Hello everyone!
I'm so excited about the campaign contributions I've received so far, but my campaign is about to come to an end, and I need your help! Please like, share, and donate if you can. I've thought about my budget and put the conclusions below. If you don't want to read about the itemization and rationales, just skip to the summary section. Thanks for reading!
Current Budget
Indiegogo $1826-FEES=$1661
Expected Contribution $1250
Total +: $2911
Flight $1800
Baggage Fee $150
Visa $25
Ground transportation $50
School Supplies $250
Living Expenses $900
Total -: $3175
Total Difference:
So, I'm in the red. If I don't make my campaign goal, I get to keep the funds, but Indiegogo keeps 9% of the contributions instead of 4%. I knew that going in, but I decided to reach for the stars anyway.
Now, I know that some people may contribute to my campaign at a later date in a manner that doesn't involve fees. I would be very appreciative of that. $1250 is a stretch goal for me in terms of money to save up over the next few months, and I may have to push my travel time back a bit to help save over a longer period. When I outlined the budget on Indiegogo, I reached for the stars in terms of classroom materials and expected donations, whereas I went for almost the bare minimum when it comes to living expenses (I did opt for a place with hot water to live in, though). So the question would be, where to cut?
Sample Revised Budget
Flight $1800
Visa $25
Ground transportation $50
These three categories are set in stone, since I still need to get over there in order to teach.
Required Total: $1875
Baggage Fee $150
School Supplies $250
Living Expenses $900
Here's where things get tricky. I calculated living expenses for one month's worth of travel. Let's assume we're trying to keep that as long as we can, since length of stay > donations to school in this case.
I can pack the bare minimum, which means I won't be able to donate books and laptops to the school, but completely removes the baggage fee. I can also cut out the school donation, but I still need teaching supplies. Let's assume I can halve the supplies budget.
That leaves me at $1025, giving an overall expense of $2900 and making the campaign affordable.
If we go the other way and assume that I want to keep the donations, gifts, and VIP supplies, on the assumption that objects linger longer than presence, then I would have a starting cost of $400 plus living expenses. My total target is $1025, so I would have $625 to live on. When I calculated living expenses, I estimated $15/night for lodgings, and $15/day for food and transportation to and from the school, which is doable. How many days, then, could I afford to stay?
The answer is 20 days, so, with weekends, I would be able to teach for about two and a half weeks, but I would have to leave in the middle of a week.
What does that mean for you? It means that a donation of $30 adds an extra day to my trip, a donation of $150 guarantees I'll be able to collect items to donate and bring them safely with me to Cambodia, and a donation of $250 guarantees school supplies and a small donation to the school. Please do what you can. I appreciate it.
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